Session 1 - Comprehensive exploration of preliminaries, proactive and outline of reactive
Handouts for Session 1
Session 1 - 1st segment
Session 1 - 2nd segment
Session 1 - 3rd segment
Exit Ticket
Session 1 Assignment
Session 2 - The six-pronged reactive approach
Handouts for Session 2
Session 2 - 1st segment
Session 2 - 2nd segment
In Preparation for Session 3
Session 3
Handouts for Session 3
Session 3
Session 4
Session 4
Role Play Assignment
Session 5
Handouts for Session 5
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Exit Ticket
Post Course Consult
Reactive Training Series
for Junior High School Principals
Through Penimi’s comprehensive reactive training, schools acquire a strategy that is implemented whenever there is a need to react. Schools have used the approach for issues ranging from talking to a student who comes to school with a short skirt, to a student not davening along with the class, to approaching a student whose technology usage is questionable. The plan is all-encompassing and includes both immediate responses and a more detailed six-pronged approach that goes beyond the immediate. It includes an extensive piece on having effective dialogue with students.